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On myway is a smart phone application. Its main function is to define a specific alarm and link it with a specific location on the map. When the user comes close to this point the alarm will appear to him.Socially, every user will have account. And other users can subscribe him to see his alarms.Alarms content may be text, Images, sounds, videos, webpages, or even a phone function.


Alarm content

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This is a graduation project from Faculty of computers and information - Fayoum University. 


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  • There are many difficulties faces people daily, one of them is forgetting tasks they have to do during the day, specially tasks that depends on places like shopping or car test.

  • Another one is that many people walk next to important places without knowing that those places are important like tourism places, and many people walk next to markets that presents offers without knowing the offers.

  • Also the difficulty of locating new place and the problem that face services providers when they want to advertise their services or their offices addresses. 

  • We aim to solve those difficulties and make life easier by designing a smart phone application that communicates people socially, but with new creative way .
  • On myway communicates its users through social network .
  • User can define alarm, edit its contents and link it with a specific point on the map. 
  • Users can subscribe each other to see their alarms.
  • Alarm content could be multimedia, images, web pages, or even phone functions.

In brief the difficulty of locating places and advertising services.


on myway

On myway is a smart phone application designed to communicate people socially depending on their location.
Every user has the ability to define location alarms on the map.
Alarms will appear to his subscribers when they move next to the location point of this alarm.
Alarm could be multimedia, text, image, web page or even a phone function.


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